Friday 28 September 2012

Exploring Body Motion

(Canon 1100D)
Since looking into the effect a moving figure has when using it alongside slow shutter speeds i began experimenting.  The photos above are taken of my flatmates playing basketball. I found this compared to working with light to be very difficult. It took me several attempts alongside continuously changing the ISO and Fstop to work in relationship with one another to create the desired effect i wanted. I still don't think that i have mastered this and would like to continue working on this in the future.

Monday 24 September 2012

I decided to experiment with light and shutter speed, the photos above are taken from light seeping from cracks in doors. This was done by placing myself in a darkened room while taking photos of a well lit room. To produce the lined effect shown above the amount of light alongside the size of the opening of the doors was used in close relationship as too much light would result in a very white and blurred image while less light due to a smaller opening resulted in a lined and purer image. I also disturbed the cameras movement while taking some of these photos as i found this to create a sense of movement somewhat similar to light drawing.

Sports and body motion
Ive recently been looking into the effect that using body motion along side Slow Shutter has. I find this really interesting, i like the ghostly effect which can be achieved through this method and how the camera seems to pick up movement , they almost seem to allow the viewer especially in cases such as photographing dancers and sport to see the course of the movements taken giving the viewer an almost visual story into the past and present of that photograph.
I've also been asked to take some photographs for the university newspaper for sports week, would love to somehow incorporate this into my work.

Shutter Speed Assignment

(PowerShot A480 Canon)

This Photo was taken in a club in Manchester, To achieve this Photo i began firtsly by working with removing flash and replacing it with a slow synch option or slow shutter. This allowed me concentrate mainly on the lighting in the image and less on the actual details of figures and objects within. Thus resulting in creating ghostly yet surreal photographs.