Thursday 25 October 2012

Decided to experiment more with shutter, wanted to try and create something different, experimenting with something which i hadn't used before which differed form my other photographs. After researching a lot of shutter photography i decided to test out using liquids as i found that when done correctly it can result in really interesting and almost time stopping photography.  To begin with i wanted to use somewhere in which i could store a lot of water in one place which i could then reuse over and over again somewhat like a blank canvas. I also wanted to differnt colours and luquids as i felt that this would give the photographs much more contrast and clarity than just working with clear water. After choosing my area i placed a tripod in front of the sink and placed it on self timer i then used a spoon to take a small amount of liquid which i then dropped in relation to the flash on the camera. To get such clear effects i also had no lighting only the flash, i think this worked better as by doing so it seemed to capture the waters movement perfectly as the flash seemed to only capture what was in front leaving the rest of the surrounding photograph in darkness.

I think the best liquid i used was milk as this was thick and bright creating a very detailed and obvious contrast between the already diluted sink water. If i was to do this again i would probably use a higher macro lense or even change it to a macro setting as i found that even though i could manually focus on the water i felt that when reviewing the photographs while editing a few still came out blurry and lacked in the fine detail i wanted.

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