Thursday 18 October 2012

If addiction was a person, he'd be a silent killer.

(Mainly used Tungsten light setting as i wanted to create an unflattering cold light, something that held no colour to it, resembling that of death + Tripod.)

My ideas surrounding these photographs were to create something which made people see that the act of smoking was the same no matter where or when its done,same effect same process, same appearance. I wanted to do this by using uncommon locations ones which are not usually associated with smoking for example a bathroom and a bedroom. When taking the photographs i decided to reenact being a dead and lifeless state as though the viewer was seeing through the normality and into a surreal and blurred reality behind the act of smoking. I also wanted to capture smoking and addiction as a whole, something similar to a bully, a monster and a murderer, a force that has complete power over you. I feel i captured this better in the hanging and floating photographs as they seemed to capture an unidentified invisible presence due to positioning of my jumping body.

Overall i wanted these photographs to represent how smoking itself basically kills you, slowly but surely. The ropes which i added later on Photoshop were made to look depicted of that of the overflowing cigarette smoke as though the person themselves was killed by the smoke, yet raises the question that if the cigarette was never lit and the addiction was never there would this mean she wouldn't have died?, Was it the cigarette that killed her or was it in fact herself?.
I feel the photos put into context the power an addition has over someone and the little control you as a smoker have on the situation.

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