Monday 22 October 2012

Jill Greenberg

While researching Alexander Trinitav i came across the photographer Jill Greenberg and her famous portrait works. I found her realism and detail factor something which i would love to use within my own practice. Again similar to that of Alexander Trinitiov she seems to capture an almost wet and greasy look of her subjects which i feel works perfectly when trying to capture great detail, yet do feel it can sometimes when over worked result in a cartoon like effect loosing the overall realism within the photo. I feel her use of a dark and dull background contrasting with a brightly detailed foreground image allows the forefront to become the main focal point of the photograph drawing attention away from the rest of the photo, alongside this she also seems to choose colors which compliment each other for example the blue against white and grey against brown, I feel this is a cleaver way of creating a much more brightened foreground image as well as creating an overall aesthetically pleasing photograph without the worry of a bad background ruining the photo. The lighting she uses for these shots seems to be similar to that of a halo lighting effect which works best with dark or duller backgrounds as the subjects seems to be lit from the back again adding to the shiny wet like appearance.

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