Tuesday 2 October 2012

The second half of the lesson consisted of us experimenting with slow shutter and small L.E.D lights. This involved us using dark backdrops in a dark room, lights were then added by either the participation of someone to create shapes as well as using people within the photos as props themselves.

Overall i found this part of the workshop to be really interesting mainly because it involved us working more together as a team allowing us to swap and share ideas between shots. This helped to create a wide variation of photographs suiting everyone's needs as well as improving my own personal knowledge, as by having other peoples input, solutions and ways of working i felt it aided my own work and understanding of this technique resulting in something which will aid any relating future works. 

The only main problems i found while doing this task was creating a photo which suited everyone's needs for example while working on the first light drawing task i found it quite difficult to individually create a photo which everyone was happy with. It resulted in whoever was in control of the movement of the lights being told what, where and how to move leaving little self choice. I also found this incredibly difficult when it was my turn as without seeing the final photos yourself you are unaware of understanding what may be needed.

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