Tuesday 2 October 2012

To begin the light session in the studio we were given both a transparent and a non transparent object. We then began taking it in turns to add and remove certain lighting equipment such as a diffuser, reflectors and a light absorbed board, which when done correctly showed gradual change to the objects appearance.

The photos shown above are from the first part of the session and show examples of some of the light changes seen when adding and taking away certain equipment. They also include examples from the transparent glass object which undertook the same process but also using an absorbed board.

1 comment:

  1. Overall i found this workshop task to be very difficult as i have never really worked in a studio setting before. The process of working with studio lighting aswell as adding and taking away certain objects such as diffuses and absorbing boards to change the effect of lighting upon an object was something which i found to be both interesting but at the same time confusing. I feel it showed me how to create certain effects upon specific objects which i was unaware of, it also allowed me to experiment with working with studio lighting and again the effects in which can be created when used correctly.

    I feel that by working in groups within this task helped massively when it came to explaining and discussing certain aspects which i personally didn't understand as well as this it also allowed me to observe others beforehand which give me a better understanding of what was was needed.
